Life-Changing Healing Services

Celebrity Healer Adrien Blackwell offers healing services designed to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. We will guide you on a journey of self-discovery so you can unlock your full potential. Schedule a consultation today and break through barriers.

Love Healing

Love is the most powerful force in the universe, yet it feels just out of reach for many. Whether you’ve experienced heartbreak, rejection, or a deep sense of unworthiness, it can feel like love is something meant for others but not for you.

Adrien Blackwell’s love healing services have allowed clients to find love, marriage, soulmates, and partnerships they never thought possible. But the transformation doesn’t stop there. As love flows in, so do wealth, abundance, improved health, and even deeper family connections. These are all natural side effects of healing the heart. When you open yourself to true love, every part of your life begins to shift.

The Ascension Store

The Ascension Store is your personal gateway to powerful, transformational healing.
Wherever you are on your journey, the Ascension Store makes it effortless to access deep healing and transformation on all of your devices whenever and wherever you need it.

These downloadable digital products are designed to help you heal, align, and elevate on all levels. Most come with MP3 audio that you can listen to while relaxing, traveling by train or bus, or as a passenger in a car. (Do not listen to it while driving). These are far beyond traditional meditations. Each one is infused with powerful, energetic healing that works as effectively as an in-person session.

Visit the Store

One-Day Intensives and One-Day Energy Infusions

If you’re eager for love, abundance, and profound change and you want it now, we offer powerful one-day intensives designed for immediate impact. A one-day Intensive is your chance to work one-on-one with Adrien Blackwell for an entire day, receiving as much powerful healing as possible to break through blocks at record speed. This is for those who want massive shifts quickly and aren’t willing to wait for things to change on their own.

Also available are the one-day energy infusions. These five-hour group intensives are designed to help you clear blocks, accelerate manifestation, and experience lasting transformation in love and wealth. Clients walk away feeling changed, with shifts that continue unfolding for months and even years, leading to faster manifestations, emotional freedom, and a newfound ease in attracting what they desire.